Friday, May 15, 2009

Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates, things have been SOO CRAZY around here!!

Mondays we have Alexanders Speech and Makaylas feeding therapy.

Tuesdays we have Doctors appointments (I have to schedual things on certain days like this because of how busy we are) We also have Makaylas OT appts.

Wednesdays we have Makaylas PT and Helmet appointments

Thursdays we have Alexanders OT

Fridays I TRY to schedaul off to clean my house!! Most of these appts are 30-60 mins from the house, and then Gillian and Alex have to go to school to so I have to be here certian times of the day to get them.

OYE Its been sooo busy!!!

However, busy is a good thing!!! It means we are healing and getting better, it means I still have my babies in my arms to make me busy, so while I may be whineing a bit from time to time, busy is a VERY good thing.. I would HATE to be bored right now..

Makayla is doing exeptionally well!!! Its amazing at how well she is doing!! Everyone is amazed with her.

The most major issues we have had post op have been fighting with the helmet!! Its horrible, however its doing its job.

Makayla is sitting with lots of support (she is 6 months old now!! We are 5 weeks post op) She is trying to roll, and she is a completly different child than she was pre surgery.

We did confirm the Chiari Malformation, which means that her brain was pushed downward into her brain stem, this is probabably causing headaches and numb limbs (which is why she isnt grabbing things like a 6 month old, HOWEVER she is improving!!)

This may require another surgery if it causes her more issues, OR it may clear up and heal over time now that there is room for things to move in there.

Alexander is doing well!! Talking and actually communicating alot.

Caitilyn is AMAZING.. She is 90% potty trained, still having issues at the dinner table and in the car, however thats all part of the process. In the last week shes had maybe 6 accidents!! YAY CAITY!!!

Gillian was refered to her schools Gifted and Talented program!!! YAY GILLY Shes doing very well too!

I forgot to mention that during our post op follow up clinics they had sent Makaylas information (pictures and bloodwork) to the genetics doc, he wants to see us now too. MAYBE we can get some answers!!!!