Tuesday, March 31, 2009













Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Multimedia message

All 4 contained and entertained!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Makayla update

So, they moved her surgery up to TWO weeks from today!!! Its super scary to think its that close. I am pretty scared. I know alot of babies make it through this JUST fine! However, there is a 1 in 25 chance that something could go wrong and she wont make it. ONE in TWENTY FIVE!!! If your odds of winning the lotto were that high you would put of paying bills just to play. Right?

Everyone keeps telling me to calm down, just dont think about it. I cant, I am doing okay at the moment though. I love everyone out there (even those that tell me to calm down!) so much, I am very thankful to have you all. (even though no one comments on this blog, I see its being read)

She is doing great though! I am really hopeful that Surgery (along with our preop with the neurosurgeon Thursday) will bring good things.

Her muscle tone is still very stiff and rigid, however, she is starting to allow me to roll her onto her left side, she is turning her head more willingly to the left, and her torticollis seems to be lessening. Shes midlineing alot more than she used to. Shes also been HAPPY a baby I never had before!!!

So.. with Makaylas good news aside that brings me to my second topic that I have not brough up here.

Alexander had some tests ran on him last week, he is regressing a bit, not much but some, it may be due to the new baby and all her glory. Or it could be other things (including normal autism) SO... Friday he will be having an MRI of his brain to see if there is anything going on in there. I am confident he is fine.. Because God knows I cant deal with Alex having a tumor and Makayla having brain surgery (well as close as it gets.. skull surgery) all in the same month.. So he has to be fine. He will be fully sedated and he NEVER does okay with that, he always gets sick, and wakes up violent.

However prayers for Makayla, Alex, and my sanity are always welcomed and much appriciated.

I also want to thank EVERYONE who participated in the fundraiser for Makayla, we raised over 400.00 for her. Mommy treated her to TWO new cloth diapers, a hat, and the rest will be used for co pays, meals, and gas during her stay in the hospital.

I am asked constantly if she needs anything, so thank you all again for that, she could use medium/large cloth diapers, zip up sleepers (for post surgery) 3-6 month, and of course meals for my husband during the week that I will leave him with 3 kids. LOL

Most of all though, we need prayers.. thank you all again so much.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Update on us...

So, I know I have been neglecting my blog land, infact I have been neglecting alot latley. Makayla has her surgery on April 27th, my grandma has surgery tomarrow morning, I have managed to sink into a deep depression like I often do and feel like I have managed to push all that are close to me away again...

I have hardly talked to anyone since Thursday. I am sorry, I dont know why I do this but I do. I am really thinking about calling the doctor about post pardum depression, but I am sure its just stress.

My house is a massive mess, which I need to really get caught up on because I have lots of people in and out of it 5-7 therapies a week, plus all that may or may not be attending Makaylas surgery.

I am sorry I have neglected everyone out there, I will promis to do better soon.