Sunday, March 15, 2009

Update on us...

So, I know I have been neglecting my blog land, infact I have been neglecting alot latley. Makayla has her surgery on April 27th, my grandma has surgery tomarrow morning, I have managed to sink into a deep depression like I often do and feel like I have managed to push all that are close to me away again...

I have hardly talked to anyone since Thursday. I am sorry, I dont know why I do this but I do. I am really thinking about calling the doctor about post pardum depression, but I am sure its just stress.

My house is a massive mess, which I need to really get caught up on because I have lots of people in and out of it 5-7 therapies a week, plus all that may or may not be attending Makaylas surgery.

I am sorry I have neglected everyone out there, I will promis to do better soon.

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