Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wii Fit day 2

Well, its day 2, really day 1 for me, because yesturday was just setting the thing up. I am doing great, did 30 mins today.. 15 of that was cardio, 5 was warm up (mainly yoga), 5 was str, and 5 was balance. I feel good so far!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wii Fit...

Well, we broke down and bought a Wii Fit.

We love it!! This brings me to updateing here, I need to be more acountable for my weight training... So, look for more updates!!!

Friday, January 23, 2009


Okay, so I have posted many times about Makaylas tummy troubles..

Well according to doctor.. "its nothing to worry about" Although, he mumbled to himself that she probably has a milk allergy.. Well duh...

Anyway, shes had runny stools since birth, I am no longer breastfeeding :( I am very sad I couldnt make it through this. She was on Simulac's Alumentim as the only formula shes ever been on, and thats when the liquid stools started.

Well, I switched her yesturday to Enfamils Nutramyagin (sp?) and her last stool yestuuday and 2 today have been NORMAL!!!!! I am afraid to say that word! BUT, we totally have SUBSTANCE in her diapers!!! YAY!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Jillian Micheals.... SUCKS..

Okay, just had to get that out... her kickboxing DVD blows ass... its sooo hard... (probably very good though...I HURT)

Monday, January 19, 2009


Remember you can click on any picture and it will get bigger. :)

From Blogger Pictures

She smiles alot now! Shes getting too big!

From Blogger Pictures

Typical Gillian hands in or around her mouth...

From Blogger Pictures

Such a pretty ballerina...

From Blogger Pictures

Caity and Dalton ALWAYS fighting over the babies chair... LOL

From Blogger Pictures

From Blogger Pictures

From Blogger Pictures

Alex in time out... I am going to scrap book this picture... he is actually doing QUITE well with time outs now..

From Blogger Pictures

Rug Rats favorie place...

From Blogger Pictures

He still thinks hes 15 months old sometimes.. LOL Hard to beleive hes ALMOST FOUR!

From Blogger Pictures

BIG ole smile!

FINALLY the best pictures of all

From Blogger Pictures

From Blogger Pictures

From Blogger Pictures

Friday, January 16, 2009

All lined up!

FW: All lined up!
Originally uploaded by id_mommy_2002
Yup.. My boy makes me smile so much!!! He loves to line his cars up in the longest line in the world...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


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Originally uploaded by id_mommy_2002
yes, thats right.. HE WROTE HIS NAME!!!!


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Originally uploaded by id_mommy_2002
yes, thats right.. HE WROTE HIS NAME!!!!

More humor for your day...

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Originally uploaded by id_mommy_2002
She was in BIG TROUBLE.....LOL


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Originally uploaded by id_mommy_2002
Okay, so they make this really GREAT medicine for thrush called gentin violet. It works better then anything I ihave ever used, the only issue is it stains the skin... for a long time, like a week or longer...

BUT, when your boobs are bleeding, cracked, sore, and everyone has thrush you will go around with purple nipples just to deal with it....

SO, FF to today.. I am sick, pukeing my guts up, I am fine, just something I do when I get to stressed out.

Anyway Caitilyn is in my bed with me, where I am staying because I feel like crap.. and she gets on my beside table thing....and gets the bottle.. and just as I grab it from her (she had it like a second and a half) the lid comes off in my hand... all over caitilyns clothes, my hands, and my quilt!!!!

The quilt is black, so no issues there, the shirt C had on is tie die anyway, so it will look kinda cool... my hands on the other hand... look like I was caught "red handed" trying to steal something....


Friday, January 9, 2009

Sweet Revenge....

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Originally uploaded by id_mommy_2002
I am posting pictures... this one mainly... of my brother in law.... playing with a baby doll... on his myspace....

God I love being a beyotch!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

She went down without a tear....

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Originally uploaded by id_mommy_2002
it wasnt until she got up this morning at about 8 30 that she let it go. She likes the bed, but she HATES wakeing up!! She did so well, dispite getting up at 12 for a very quickly needed inhailer, I need to get an air cleaner in her room I think. She had a decent asthma attack last night.


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Originally uploaded by id_mommy_2002
In her big girl bed!!!!!!!!!


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Originally uploaded by id_mommy_2002
We got this yummy gift basket from our friends M and A for Christmas! We have had pancakes three times since then because they are soooo yummy!!!!

Best buddies....

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Originally uploaded by id_mommy_2002
....on some days...


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Originally uploaded by id_mommy_2002
...for now...

For my mom....

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Originally uploaded by id_mommy_2002
Hope your day gets better!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Meet Kringas...

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Originally uploaded by id_mommy_2002
Yup our christmas tree had a name, and a personality... My dorky hubby

2008 is done...

Over... gone....never to be seen again... It was a crazy year to say the least, but its behind us now, and we are moving on!

In March Alexaner turned 3 and had his last PT, OT, and Speech therapy with his favorite therapists of all time!! He also started school!!

In April we found out we were VERY unexpectantly expecting another baby!! CRAZY #1!!!

In April Caitilyn and I also went down to San Deigo to spend a few days with my very dear friend Ellie.. *HI ELLIE!* now the kid refuses to wear clothing or socks... Thank Ellie!

In May I turned 26... Gillian turned 6... Joy!

June, summer started, Alex was in summer school AND rode the bus for the first time!! He had a rough time, but is adjusting well now.

July Gillian had her tonsils and adnoids out, and had new tubes put in! We have had VERY minimal athma trouble since then too!!!

August Caitlilyn turned one!!! MAJOR family drama occured, and we kinda kept to ourselves...

September was more of the same, a slow month, but we really had no clue what was in store for us next, so looking back, it was much needed! Caitilyn did however start walking!! YAY!

October... Wow, this was our CRAZIEST month yet!! I was put on bedrest in early Oct for high bp, by late October I had been hospitalizied for high BP, in and out of the hospital, and on STRICT bed rest. Jeremy had to take the last two weeks of October off because I couldnt do anything.

November.. RELEIF!! WELCOME MAKAYLA LEIGH HALL!!!! 7 lbs 14 oz!! Born 4 weeks premature, but did very well.

December - Makayla continues to do okay dispite tummy trouble, Alex is doing EXCELLENT, Gillian is doing welll, and Caitilln is a HAM BONE!!!!

That brings us too now! I have posted some pictures of the last few weeks below, things I am thankful for. Enjoy!

Snow Suits

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Originally uploaded by id_mommy_2002

Head Control!!

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Originally uploaded by id_mommy_2002


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Originally uploaded by id_mommy_2002
Shes figured the whole thumb thing out, SOMETIMES.. shes still little and doenst always get it in there, but when she does she LOVES her thumb!

Goodbye 2008

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Originally uploaded by id_mommy_2002
Hello 2009!!!


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Originally uploaded by id_mommy_2002
YES!!! NORMAL DEVELOPMENT!!! Its amazing the feeling one gets when they have a developmentally delayed child to see other children develop normally!!! SO FAR socially Makayla is RIGHT on track, shes still suffering pretty good from her tummy issues.. BUT so far normal social development!! YAY!!

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Originally uploaded by id_mommy_2002
Unexpected snow... and lots of it... well not LOTS but 2-3 inches so far.. and its still comming down..