Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Multimedia message
Originally uploaded by id_mommy_2002
Okay, so they make this really GREAT medicine for thrush called gentin violet. It works better then anything I ihave ever used, the only issue is it stains the skin... for a long time, like a week or longer...

BUT, when your boobs are bleeding, cracked, sore, and everyone has thrush you will go around with purple nipples just to deal with it....

SO, FF to today.. I am sick, pukeing my guts up, I am fine, just something I do when I get to stressed out.

Anyway Caitilyn is in my bed with me, where I am staying because I feel like crap.. and she gets on my beside table thing....and gets the bottle.. and just as I grab it from her (she had it like a second and a half) the lid comes off in my hand... all over caitilyns clothes, my hands, and my quilt!!!!

The quilt is black, so no issues there, the shirt C had on is tie die anyway, so it will look kinda cool... my hands on the other hand... look like I was caught "red handed" trying to steal something....


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