Monday, January 5, 2009

2008 is done...

Over... gone....never to be seen again... It was a crazy year to say the least, but its behind us now, and we are moving on!

In March Alexaner turned 3 and had his last PT, OT, and Speech therapy with his favorite therapists of all time!! He also started school!!

In April we found out we were VERY unexpectantly expecting another baby!! CRAZY #1!!!

In April Caitilyn and I also went down to San Deigo to spend a few days with my very dear friend Ellie.. *HI ELLIE!* now the kid refuses to wear clothing or socks... Thank Ellie!

In May I turned 26... Gillian turned 6... Joy!

June, summer started, Alex was in summer school AND rode the bus for the first time!! He had a rough time, but is adjusting well now.

July Gillian had her tonsils and adnoids out, and had new tubes put in! We have had VERY minimal athma trouble since then too!!!

August Caitlilyn turned one!!! MAJOR family drama occured, and we kinda kept to ourselves...

September was more of the same, a slow month, but we really had no clue what was in store for us next, so looking back, it was much needed! Caitilyn did however start walking!! YAY!

October... Wow, this was our CRAZIEST month yet!! I was put on bedrest in early Oct for high bp, by late October I had been hospitalizied for high BP, in and out of the hospital, and on STRICT bed rest. Jeremy had to take the last two weeks of October off because I couldnt do anything.

November.. RELEIF!! WELCOME MAKAYLA LEIGH HALL!!!! 7 lbs 14 oz!! Born 4 weeks premature, but did very well.

December - Makayla continues to do okay dispite tummy trouble, Alex is doing EXCELLENT, Gillian is doing welll, and Caitilln is a HAM BONE!!!!

That brings us too now! I have posted some pictures of the last few weeks below, things I am thankful for. Enjoy!

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