Tuesday, February 24, 2009

PT eval is done...

It was an appt I was REALLY looking forward too, the PT was the same PT we used for Alexander. YAY I love Melody, and would reccomend her to ANYONE.

She has special needs kids herself, so she knows what this is like as a mom, as well as a professional. VERY important in my opinion.

Okay, so the appointment was one of those appointments that after a while things kinda black out.. So much all at once, and its scary.

First off, we DEFINANTLY need to see the genetics dr, because of the long family history of this craino crap, my sister, my dad, and my uncle, we DEFINANTLY have something more going on than anyone knows about yet.

Second, she wants me to bring up the fact that Makayla may need a CT of her spine, the spine is supposed to be very flexable in babies, floppy almost, you should be able to take a baby and bend them almost any way (within reason) that you want, Makayla doesnt have that, in fact, she, when draped over a leg, doesnt bend sideways at all shes very ridgid, I never noticed that.

She cant straiten her leg out all the way, it stays bent, you cant force it strait.

She is pretty "tight" or Spastic, meaning that there is a good possibility that the brain being "squished" has already caused problems, one of the first signs of brain damage is spasticity. Thats the basic definition of Cerebral Palsy (or brain damage).

We have to do stretches with her constantly, more often when she is sleeping, the PT has also notices shes developing scoliosis (or curved spine) because of her spastisity and her preferance to one side.

There is more going on here besides just the craniostenosis, she says thats obvious, the baby has little range of motion with her extremities. We just need to figure out if its just caused by the damage done to her brain or what.

I am in a real whirlwind today, we see the Plastic Surgeon on Monday, I will update more about her then.

1 comment:

Jennifer Taylor said...

I have an eleven year old with special needs. She was born with a life threatening seizure disorder. She's no longer has the seizures and we were able to stop her meds at three, but there was some delayed development. She's had OT before, but we will be starting her on PT in a couple of weeks.