Friday, November 28, 2008

New blog...

I tend to post on my live journal about stress releivers ect, I want to focus this blog on only my kids..

So, I am Cristi, mommy to Gillian (6), Alex (3), Caitilyn (1) and now Makayla (3 weeks!)

I am a stay at home mom, I cloth diaper, breast feed, and co sleep (safely and only with the baby) Yeah.. I have become one of those crunchy mommas....

I really dont know how, we grew up in an anything but crunchy household. But, this is working for us! Gillian and Caitilyn have pretty significant asthma, so we have to be some what green with chemicals and such because of that. Alexander was diagnosed with Autism in Sept. of 07.. so my world is VERY busy!! LOL

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