Saturday, November 29, 2008

Well moving on from yesturday.. No, I am not in a better mood, I am still in a not good place emotionally, but I will be fine. I always am..

Today we are cleaning, when I was on bed rest during the last part of my pregnancy clutter happened again.. We had done so good at keeping clutter at bay till my pregnancy.

I am SO not good with clutter, I dont clean house very well, I dont know what too do with it all, or where to start..

Its such a double edged sword for me though, becuse the clutter/mess eats at me, and feeds my depression BIG TIME, which makes me not want to do anything... which only makes things worse.

I dont think my family really understands how out of it I feel when my house is like this.. I really want to throw it all away and start over.. But, Jeremy is such a packrat we cant throw anything remotely useful away, it might sell at a yard sale....

Anyway, enough about that, I dont want to whine about jeremy in here.. Its a place I should be able to whine about him at.. but will keep that crap to myself..

I am going to have the kids paint christmas ornaments today for gifts, they also have another special gift they are working on, but I cant post about that here.. :)

I am getting all my already purchased gifts rounded up, and makeing my list as to who I still need to buy for.

Alisa.. I need the kids clothes sizes!

Thats it for now, Makayla is finally sleeping.. I am going to head to the shower, then to the store, unless Caitilyn decides to keep napping..

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