So happy, content, and sweet. You would never know from the picture that we were in the ER last night...
She has had a horrible cough for about a week, I have been watching it close, its obvious its bronchitis/upper resp. infection. She gets better when we go into the cold, shes hoarse, but okay between "coughing fits" but when she gets to going she pukes, and turns red because shes coughing so hard, and her poor little body just cant cough that well yet..
So last night she started wheezing and grunting, so I took her in, they did an RSV and Influenza test, both were negitive, thank goodness because she probably would have been admitted if they were not.
They watched her sats while we were there and they were okay except when she was sleeping they would sit at 93 I am going to mention it to my Ped, I know its normall to dip while you sleep, because you breathe slower and such, but it just seemed a little low.
They also did a chest xray which showed "increased lung volume" consistant with Reactive Airway Disease, no its not as scary as it sounds, well not anymore, its basically meaning shes getting wheezy or her airway is reacting to the cold, which is sometimes the "precursor" to asthma. JOY...
So we left there and came home to do nebs if needed, for her "cough with probable asthma" fun stuff huh?
Jeremys Blog
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Makayla 2 months
My baby girl is 2 months old, last weigh in she was 8 lbs even. She is starting to look around more, an occasional smile, and she likes to be held and rocked.
Makaylas one month picture that I forgot to post here. I will take her pic every month and post it here. With her bear of course.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Multimedia message
I love my new mothers necklace!!! I has loose gems of all the kids birthstones inside it!!! Its a mother with her arms embracing the gems!! :)
Thank you again honey, and Merry Christmas...
I love my new mothers necklace!!! I has loose gems of all the kids birthstones inside it!!! Its a mother with her arms embracing the gems!! :)
Thank you again honey, and Merry Christmas...
Monday, December 22, 2008
Multimedia message
She has her happy moments.. but they are few and far between anymore.. We are going to the doctor today, hopefully he will take me seriously.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Dear Santa,
How are you? I have been really good this year. Thank you for the camera you brought me last year. I love it. This year I want gum, or a Baby Alive, or a Fairy Doll, or 2 puppies, or $100. Please choose one for me. Thank you and Merry Christmas.
*Neither punctuation nor spelling have been altered. :)
*Neither punctuation nor spelling have been altered. :)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
So... I am all prepared for a day from hell because once Makayla got to sleep she slept from 10- 3 am then from 4-6 so, we got decent sleep once she slept.
So today we start our day and I am attempting to put her down for her nap, to which she is fighting me. I am shushing and walking and putting a paci in her mouth.
Shes occasionally dozing off. So, I put her in the swing in hopes of her sleeping, finally I decided too put the white noise machine out, so shes sleeping, in her swing, with the white noise machine under her, OH and shes in the play pen so the kids dont bother her.
UHG!! BUT, shes been out almost an hour!!! I managed to get ALL 4 kids rooms clean, AND separate and put away most of their clothes (seriously like 6 baskets full)
YAYAY!!!!!! Now, off to work on the kitchen.
So today we start our day and I am attempting to put her down for her nap, to which she is fighting me. I am shushing and walking and putting a paci in her mouth.
Shes occasionally dozing off. So, I put her in the swing in hopes of her sleeping, finally I decided too put the white noise machine out, so shes sleeping, in her swing, with the white noise machine under her, OH and shes in the play pen so the kids dont bother her.
UHG!! BUT, shes been out almost an hour!!! I managed to get ALL 4 kids rooms clean, AND separate and put away most of their clothes (seriously like 6 baskets full)
YAYAY!!!!!! Now, off to work on the kitchen.
So, its obvious that Makayla has colic... we tried for FOUR hours to make the kid happy, she was happy, if she was attached to my boob.
But, she wasnt sleeping, or sucking, just kinda laying there. I cant have this habit start.
I did everything...
Bath, Massage, Car seat, Front pack, swaddled, let her cry, ran the vaccume, gave her a bottle, gave her pepperment, walked, shushed... You name it I tried it...
Finally, Jeremy, while getting some gause and meds for my infected insicion, found GRIPE WATER!!!! And my darling hubby brought me a warm cinnomon roll, aww life was great about 10 mins after he got home she was sleeping.
So, its obvious that Makayla has colic... we tried for FOUR hours to make the kid happy, she was happy, if she was attached to my boob.
But, she wasnt sleeping, or sucking, just kinda laying there. I cant have this habit start.
I did everything...
Bath, Massage, Car seat, Front pack, swaddled, let her cry, ran the vaccume, gave her a bottle, gave her pepperment, walked, shushed... You name it I tried it...
Finally, Jeremy, while getting some gause and meds for my infected insicion, found GRIPE WATER!!!! And my darling hubby brought me a warm cinnomon roll, aww life was great about 10 mins after he got home she was sleeping.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Well over all I am doing pretty well.
Surgery was hard for me on a few levels.
1 it screwed up my milk supply, which in turn screwed with Makayla, we had to start ALL over again which was like having a newborn.. eating 24 freaking 7....
2 the meds they give me for pain both knock me out, and for some reason effect my supply, even though everything I have read says otherwise.
3 I cant move nearly as well as I did thursday, but thats returning more and more every day.
Overall, its been better than I expected, I always do to much to fast and always fall on my face, my kids and my family need me to be up and around. I go freaking crazy watching Jeremy do everything around here.
My insicion site itches like a bitch, and my belly button too (they went in there) and I still have some MAJOR arm pain and shortness of breath from the gas, but apparently its common for that to last a week or more.
Surgery was hard for me on a few levels.
1 it screwed up my milk supply, which in turn screwed with Makayla, we had to start ALL over again which was like having a newborn.. eating 24 freaking 7....
2 the meds they give me for pain both knock me out, and for some reason effect my supply, even though everything I have read says otherwise.
3 I cant move nearly as well as I did thursday, but thats returning more and more every day.
Overall, its been better than I expected, I always do to much to fast and always fall on my face, my kids and my family need me to be up and around. I go freaking crazy watching Jeremy do everything around here.
My insicion site itches like a bitch, and my belly button too (they went in there) and I still have some MAJOR arm pain and shortness of breath from the gas, but apparently its common for that to last a week or more.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Here we are almost 4 years later, and I still have no clue what goes on inside his head. I love him so dearly, he brings so much more joy to my life than I could have imagined, but I have not one clue what goes on inside that little mind of his.
Out side of star balloons and bubble water everything I do for or with him is a guessing game.
Its so obvious to so many people that he has autism, people look at us funny in the stores, the people at church ask if he has it, but the one freaking orgnaization that has TWO doctors that have him diagnosed with Autism is making us go today to get a psycological evaluation to "prove to them" thats what he has..
My poor son always has to prove to others whats going on, either physcially or mentally, because he doesnt communicate well with them.
In some ways he has come so far from the little baby that looked out the window that day, in others, we are still right there... looking out the window...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tomarrow is the BIG DAY...
I go in to the hospital at 6:30 am for my tubal, I am a little sad and scared. I am done giving birth, Jeremy and I both agree we are not done having kids. We both agree once our babies are a bit older (read that to be Jr. High/High School age) we will probably adopt/foster. There are LOTS of kids out there in very bad situations that need our help. I truely think that the reason I was put on this planet was to help kids.
So, wish me luck, I know its a simple routine procedure, but I am a little scared. I think any time you have to sign the papers to agree to be an organ donor, or agree to accept other organs it is scary. But, its laproscopic so it should be "pain free" LOL right...
I will let whoever reads this know how I am doing when I get home tomarrow.
I go in to the hospital at 6:30 am for my tubal, I am a little sad and scared. I am done giving birth, Jeremy and I both agree we are not done having kids. We both agree once our babies are a bit older (read that to be Jr. High/High School age) we will probably adopt/foster. There are LOTS of kids out there in very bad situations that need our help. I truely think that the reason I was put on this planet was to help kids.
So, wish me luck, I know its a simple routine procedure, but I am a little scared. I think any time you have to sign the papers to agree to be an organ donor, or agree to accept other organs it is scary. But, its laproscopic so it should be "pain free" LOL right...
I will let whoever reads this know how I am doing when I get home tomarrow.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Okay so Alex is a CHARICTER....I really have to watch him, he is starting to communicate, but you really have to desypher it.
Well today I am cleaning, he is in his room, with the baby gate up, because if I cant watch him CLOSELY he needs to be safely in his room because he is such a seeker.
So, I am cleaning putting clothes away in the babies' room and I hear CRASH BANG WAAAAAAAAA so, I go running in there, praying not to see a twisted broken arm, or a bloody gash needing stitches.
He is laying on his bed, I said buddy...
This is the conversation that took place next....
Alex "He doest fly mom"
Me "WHAT? Buddy, what did you do?"
Alex "His balloon let go of his hands"
I look up and his balloon is directly over the edge of his dresser.... Yup, I do think the kid bailed off his dresser.. thinking he could just sail around the world, attached to his balloon...
He is fine by the way.
With enough flapping he might just take flight...
Well today I am cleaning, he is in his room, with the baby gate up, because if I cant watch him CLOSELY he needs to be safely in his room because he is such a seeker.
So, I am cleaning putting clothes away in the babies' room and I hear CRASH BANG WAAAAAAAAA so, I go running in there, praying not to see a twisted broken arm, or a bloody gash needing stitches.
He is laying on his bed, I said buddy...
This is the conversation that took place next....
Alex "He doest fly mom"
Me "WHAT? Buddy, what did you do?"
Alex "His balloon let go of his hands"
I look up and his balloon is directly over the edge of his dresser.... Yup, I do think the kid bailed off his dresser.. thinking he could just sail around the world, attached to his balloon...
He is fine by the way.
With enough flapping he might just take flight...
Things are going okay here. I am getting a VERY messy house all in order! YAY! Its been MUCH needed! I feel like I am spring cleaning! Cleaning out closets and stuff. I never got to "nest" with Makayla, and well since her due date was only 3 days ago, I figure I am nesting... LOL
Speaking of Makayla, shes doing well, she had a well baby and is up to 7 lbs 12 oz, still not quite at her birth weight though. :( BUT, shes doing well, eating like a champ. One thing we have to remember is that she lost ALOT after birth, shes up almost a lb since birth because she lost so much. I guess the tramatic birth and the prematurity made for a lot of weight loss.
She is VERY coliky. I have NEVER had a coliky baby like this, she even squeeks when she breathes. As long as shes peeing well, which she is. Then we will keep breastfeeding.
Speaking of Makayla, shes doing well, she had a well baby and is up to 7 lbs 12 oz, still not quite at her birth weight though. :( BUT, shes doing well, eating like a champ. One thing we have to remember is that she lost ALOT after birth, shes up almost a lb since birth because she lost so much. I guess the tramatic birth and the prematurity made for a lot of weight loss.
She is VERY coliky. I have NEVER had a coliky baby like this, she even squeeks when she breathes. As long as shes peeing well, which she is. Then we will keep breastfeeding.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Okay, so I just got off the phone with the lady from SSI.
She says that because there are inconsitancies in Alexanders diagnosis' she can not qualify him as having autism.
Okay, when I go see Dr. Brainguy he says "Everything is looking good, keep seeing Dr. Autismguy, and let me know if he has any more seizures."
And because Dr. Brainguy doesnt see Alex for autism, and did not diagnos him with autim, only Dr. Autismguy, the SSI lady says that its inconsistand. His pediatrition says that he is talking much better than he was 6 months ago...
TRUE, but he doesnt communicate... UHG baby screaming I will update this later..
She says that because there are inconsitancies in Alexanders diagnosis' she can not qualify him as having autism.
Okay, when I go see Dr. Brainguy he says "Everything is looking good, keep seeing Dr. Autismguy, and let me know if he has any more seizures."
And because Dr. Brainguy doesnt see Alex for autism, and did not diagnos him with autim, only Dr. Autismguy, the SSI lady says that its inconsistand. His pediatrition says that he is talking much better than he was 6 months ago...
TRUE, but he doesnt communicate... UHG baby screaming I will update this later..
Monday, December 1, 2008
Today was a decent day, I got alot done, Iwill post pictures later. My house has gotton OUT OF CONTROL since being pregnant/having baby/bedrest crap.. so I am getting control over that again..
I tackled and finished Caitilyn and Makaylas room today, done (except the closet, but I will do that as soon as I get done with Gillian and Alexanders room, because I need to put that stuff in Gillians room)
I also got my tub/toilet bleached and scrubbed.. YAY that was getting icky.. LOL bathroom surface done, but not closets/floors like I would like..maybe another day... I also got more laundry done..
Doesnt sound like much, but thats also including a needy newborn, breastfeeding, a 1 year old, and a 3 year old who by the way went to school today.. OH and we also ran into town to have lunch with daddy...
I am exsausted. Baby is cluster feeding, so right now shes sleeping peacfully on my chest, these moments make me think I would love 10 more kids.. give me 5 minutes, she will be screaming again... and I will remember why I am done....:)
Caitilyn is talking SOO much. Today she said "dada bye bye" and "do det dada" or go get dada... she also threw a fit because I wouldnt let her go "dout ide" too play... everything starts with a D right now.. but she does say mommy now..
Alex has homework today.. I have to start reading to him for 15 mins a day... Now, I can and do hold Caitilyns attention to a book for 15 mins... Alex.. NO WAY.. I will try.. and we will work up to it..
But, then his teacher wants me to read to him for the 15 then ask him questions about the story......
Okay, the kid has autism.. and that is NEVER an excuse to not try to work towards a goal... BUT.. He can not even comprehend his own day at school. "Alex what did you do at school today?" EVERY day its the same conversations.... he says "He ride the bus mom!" I say "Thats right! Did you see Mrs. Wells?" he says "He see Mrs. Wells mom..." Then I will ask him a question about his day, he always follows with a repitition of the same question I just asked.. So, he doesnt say "I played with playdoh" He will only repeat what I ask.
SOOO.. How am I supposed to have him comprehend a book, that he has to imagine in his head... when both imagination AND comprehention are so far behind...
Sigh... School is going to SUCK rocks for him.... I feel so bad for him already...
I tackled and finished Caitilyn and Makaylas room today, done (except the closet, but I will do that as soon as I get done with Gillian and Alexanders room, because I need to put that stuff in Gillians room)
I also got my tub/toilet bleached and scrubbed.. YAY that was getting icky.. LOL bathroom surface done, but not closets/floors like I would like..maybe another day... I also got more laundry done..
Doesnt sound like much, but thats also including a needy newborn, breastfeeding, a 1 year old, and a 3 year old who by the way went to school today.. OH and we also ran into town to have lunch with daddy...
I am exsausted. Baby is cluster feeding, so right now shes sleeping peacfully on my chest, these moments make me think I would love 10 more kids.. give me 5 minutes, she will be screaming again... and I will remember why I am done....:)
Caitilyn is talking SOO much. Today she said "dada bye bye" and "do det dada" or go get dada... she also threw a fit because I wouldnt let her go "dout ide" too play... everything starts with a D right now.. but she does say mommy now..
Alex has homework today.. I have to start reading to him for 15 mins a day... Now, I can and do hold Caitilyns attention to a book for 15 mins... Alex.. NO WAY.. I will try.. and we will work up to it..
But, then his teacher wants me to read to him for the 15 then ask him questions about the story......
Okay, the kid has autism.. and that is NEVER an excuse to not try to work towards a goal... BUT.. He can not even comprehend his own day at school. "Alex what did you do at school today?" EVERY day its the same conversations.... he says "He ride the bus mom!" I say "Thats right! Did you see Mrs. Wells?" he says "He see Mrs. Wells mom..." Then I will ask him a question about his day, he always follows with a repitition of the same question I just asked.. So, he doesnt say "I played with playdoh" He will only repeat what I ask.
SOOO.. How am I supposed to have him comprehend a book, that he has to imagine in his head... when both imagination AND comprehention are so far behind...
Sigh... School is going to SUCK rocks for him.... I feel so bad for him already...
I really need to get Makayla on a good schedual, I need to get everyone back on a schedual, I never used to be a schedualer...until Alex, now everyone is so off...
It was morning time between 2:30-4:30 this morning... OH JOY! I am so tired today, but its monday, everyone is going to school, and with any luck I will be napping!
I really need to get Makayla on a good schedual, I need to get everyone back on a schedual, I never used to be a schedualer...until Alex, now everyone is so off...
It was morning time between 2:30-4:30 this morning... OH JOY! I am so tired today, but its monday, everyone is going to school, and with any luck I will be napping!
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