Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tomarrow is the BIG DAY...

I go in to the hospital at 6:30 am for my tubal, I am a little sad and scared. I am done giving birth, Jeremy and I both agree we are not done having kids. We both agree once our babies are a bit older (read that to be Jr. High/High School age) we will probably adopt/foster. There are LOTS of kids out there in very bad situations that need our help. I truely think that the reason I was put on this planet was to help kids.

So, wish me luck, I know its a simple routine procedure, but I am a little scared. I think any time you have to sign the papers to agree to be an organ donor, or agree to accept other organs it is scary. But, its laproscopic so it should be "pain free" LOL right...

I will let whoever reads this know how I am doing when I get home tomarrow.

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