Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Our first ER trip with Mak

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Originally uploaded by id_mommy_2002
So happy, content, and sweet. You would never know from the picture that we were in the ER last night...

She has had a horrible cough for about a week, I have been watching it close, its obvious its bronchitis/upper resp. infection. She gets better when we go into the cold, shes hoarse, but okay between "coughing fits" but when she gets to going she pukes, and turns red because shes coughing so hard, and her poor little body just cant cough that well yet..

So last night she started wheezing and grunting, so I took her in, they did an RSV and Influenza test, both were negitive, thank goodness because she probably would have been admitted if they were not.

They watched her sats while we were there and they were okay except when she was sleeping they would sit at 93 I am going to mention it to my Ped, I know its normall to dip while you sleep, because you breathe slower and such, but it just seemed a little low.

They also did a chest xray which showed "increased lung volume" consistant with Reactive Airway Disease, no its not as scary as it sounds, well not anymore, its basically meaning shes getting wheezy or her airway is reacting to the cold, which is sometimes the "precursor" to asthma. JOY...

So we left there and came home to do nebs if needed, for her "cough with probable asthma" fun stuff huh?

1 comment:

Cheryl Ann Beeson said...

Hey give her a big kiss for me, she is so precious.

P.S. I love the background