Monday, December 15, 2008

You know, I took this picture almost 4 years ago, back then I had a 6 week old, much like I do now, I learned that when he was fussy I could open up my window and sit with him on the couch looking out.... He LOVED to look around. I would sit there and wonder what was going through his mind. Thinking that in 2 years I would know EVERYTHING that went in and out of the kids head.

Here we are almost 4 years later, and I still have no clue what goes on inside his head. I love him so dearly, he brings so much more joy to my life than I could have imagined, but I have not one clue what goes on inside that little mind of his.

Out side of star balloons and bubble water everything I do for or with him is a guessing game.

Its so obvious to so many people that he has autism, people look at us funny in the stores, the people at church ask if he has it, but the one freaking orgnaization that has TWO doctors that have him diagnosed with Autism is making us go today to get a psycological evaluation to "prove to them" thats what he has..

My poor son always has to prove to others whats going on, either physcially or mentally, because he doesnt communicate well with them.

In some ways he has come so far from the little baby that looked out the window that day, in others, we are still right there... looking out the window...

1 comment:

Cheryl Ann Beeson said...

This one made me cry, not because of sadness but because of the passion I feel in your words for your children. You have no idea how proud I am of you. There is not one single person in the world who understands me the way that you do because we were it. Now you are connecting with your children and their needs in ways I am not sure I could have even done. Alex may be "different" but he is a blessing in our lives and I (nor you) would change anything about him. He has and will continue to make impacts in this world that no one else will ever be able to make. And my grandchildren are so blessed to have been chosen to be your children.
I love ya Cristi, you are so awesome.