Wednesday, December 17, 2008

So... I am all prepared for a day from hell because once Makayla got to sleep she slept from 10- 3 am then from 4-6 so, we got decent sleep once she slept.

So today we start our day and I am attempting to put her down for her nap, to which she is fighting me. I am shushing and walking and putting a paci in her mouth.

Shes occasionally dozing off. So, I put her in the swing in hopes of her sleeping, finally I decided too put the white noise machine out, so shes sleeping, in her swing, with the white noise machine under her, OH and shes in the play pen so the kids dont bother her.

UHG!! BUT, shes been out almost an hour!!! I managed to get ALL 4 kids rooms clean, AND separate and put away most of their clothes (seriously like 6 baskets full)

YAYAY!!!!!! Now, off to work on the kitchen.

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